
Rashes appear on the surface of the skin in places which air cannot reach. The skin becomes damp as a result of heat and sweating.
Rashes are skin problems that are usually associated with babies, but that affect adults too. They appear on the surface of the skin in places which air cannot reach. The skin becomes damp as a result of heat and sweating. This leads to biological imbalance that disrupts the natural ability of the skin to defend itself, resulting in the production of various micro-organisms in the skin, whether they be bacteria, yeast cells or fungus.
The affected areas redden and small spots can form. The skin stings and itches. Rashes on babies are generally found in the nappy area (diaper dermatitis) and on adults in the area under protrusions of skin (under the breasts, on the abdomen), in the armpits and in the groin. Rashes, however, are also common among sportsmen and women, such as cyclists and yachtsmen and women. Unsuitable clothing made of air-tight materials make the condition even worse.
Treating rashes
The recommendations apply to children and adults alike. Wash the affected area with warm water and dry carefully. You should follow this by applying an ointment with a non-fatty base, but containing active ingredients such as zinc, calcium or ichthyol pale, a substance that promotes the healing and regeneration of the skin. Rashes can be prevented very effectively. As far as children are concerned, it is recommended that you change their nappies often and apply protective cream to the area of the genitals, buttocks and groin. For adults, it is recommended to wear loose cotton underwear so that the skin can “breathe” easily. If the rash does not heal and the skin remains red, or if the rash begins to spread, consult a dermatologist.
Looking for a treatement?
Vitella Zn
Regenerating ointment with zinc. Designed to soothe irritated or slightly cut skin and rashes.